I really love this series, mostly because for the bishies and oh so slashable but un-slashable content. ^_~
This time round though, they've given the characters a makeover. Some ranging from utterly horrible (Daddy Dong) to ultimately scary (Lu Bu)!
For some of the listings:
Lu Xun - Dear Xunie got a more feminine and tribal look. His weapons look the same old short ranged ones but i may be wrong.
Cao Cao - Mr "I stand there frowning" Cao looks like his armour got stripped down.
Dun - I love his new look! XD Weapon wise... uh... no comment?
Zhang He - In the past Warriors Orochi, he got fashion tips from Nou-hime, Oichi and Okuni to finally get this look. Wonder how he fights with that lace from his arms
Zhuge Liang - Ah Liang got a more rugged look. I wonder whether that lightning attack is part of his normal attack or its orb assisted.
Sima Yi - Claws FTW! Attack wise, he's more physical.
Zhang Liao - He's looks thinner or maybe its just my computer. His twin sickles look much better.
SSX - Wuh? What happened to her? Kunoichi and Huang Zhong mix?
Sun Ce - Like his armour, but in turn he looks thinner rather than stout and strong in the past games.
Sun Jian - He's taken the Evil Warlord look away from Cao Cao. I like!

Zhou Yu - Leggings. 'nuff said.
3 brothers - Bei got younger and generalized. Fei, no change. I think he got some income for that expensive looking embroidered overcoat. Guan Yu got tips from Guan Ping on dressing up.
Dong Zhuo - Scary! >_<
I've got plenty of screenies from the HD trailer I got from
koeiwarriors. 93 to be exact. But here's some Character shots.
Zhuge LiangZhao Yun and Zhang LiaoFrom left: Zhou Yu, Sun Jian and Sun CeSun Shang XiangSima YiLu XunCao Cao and Zhang HeI'm really looking forward to this game! Woot!
Nightz all!