Keep on smiling

Keep on smiling

Monday 30 June 2008

Update today...

I'm frustrated... My GOD! My costume cannot be completed because the cloth wasn't enough. So I gotta get more... 3 yards more in fact. I should have told her that I didn't care for the pattern much, just how good the exposed parts looked. @_@

And my helmet... just for a reference... how should I fix it? btw, I feel lucky that the craft foam did not dissolve away when I spray painted. I can't say much about my foam head though... its pitted away horribly!


Jessica said... suppose to use those Spray Paint meant for Foam and Vinyl like Krylon or Spotlight's brand.

Or the other method is to put a few layers of white glue to cover the foam completely and then spray on using normal spray paint.

Anyway, good luck and cya tomorrow. I still donno what to wear so might just put on my Ravenclaw Uniform and wear a Wig or something to maybe look like Cho or some random student. -__^

Nutella aka Siti Aisyah said...

Its not supposed to be shiny.. will layer it with foam when I feel like it...

Probably will use it for WCG cosplay..