Yep, a shoulder length curly bob! Just because Umbridge has curly hair which I don't! XD
My close friend, Grace came back from Australia the other week, when I was sick/busy with my costume. She said it was a surprise. Damn right it was a suprise! Was cursing/shouting with joy at Mage when I saw the pic Shaun sent! Anyway, took a pic with her on Saturday!
She's a pretty gal. Pity she gets mistaken as a guy even with her longer hair. Before, it was short so it was still understandable how a tall and broad-shouldered person like her can be mistaken as one. But now? sigh... At least I saw her in this top which made her look ever so much female! Take that!
How did my cosplay go? Well... here's a picture someone took. Huijie forgot which album he took this from so if anyone knows... please tell so I can credit!
What did my sayang cosplay? His was an SD Gundam! XD He was sooo cute!!!
Isn't he?
Other notable cosplays!!! Koutetsu sangokushi's Koumei-sama and Son Ken-dono was there on day 2! And on day 3 was Honda Tadakatsu and Mori Ranmaru of Sengoku Musou! Oh how I drooled at their cosplay! It was totally excellent! With the details on not only the prop but the clothes as well! sighz~~~ I hope to achieve that level the next time I cosplay.
Ah! For more pictures, head off to the SPLA forum! My pictures are there on page 3! Or better yet! Just click here! Go on!
Oh yeah! I had tickets for the Gala Premier of Harry Potter and the Order of the Pheonix! I've watched it twice so far! Fair warning to those who've read the books. Its totally insubstantial and unsatisfying as a movie if you've read the books. But if you're the kind not to read but just to watch, then its just fine as it is!
Peace out for now!