Okay what have I been up to...?
Watched Pirates? Check
Watched Shrek 3? Check
Watched Ocean's 13? Not yet..
Watched Transformers? Check!
For the record, Transformers is GREAT!!! XDDDD
Harry Potter and the Order of the Pheonix is coming soon! 12th of July is the opening day!!! Deathly Hallows comes out on the 21st July!!!
For those of you who's known me for no matter how short of a time, you know how obsessed I am with the HP series. The world is so elastic, so fantastic, has the potential for so many things happening such as the Horcruxes which was revealed in book 6. Anything can happen with the last book. And I'm betting that Harry dies... in the hand of his best friend: Ronald Weasely. Yes!! Backstabbed, betrayed and finally killed! He gets brought back to life with Wormtail giving his life in place of Harry. Oh yeah. A lot of things can happen and many will.
I'll be cosplaying too!!!! Yeah, I'll be cosplaying a closed-minded, sarcastic bitch with girly tendencies for the colour pink and pictures of cats in almost every corner of her room! Not to mention, she also has one of the most elaborate wands I've ever seen!!! I'm talking about Dolores Jane Umbridge. The UMbitch! Oh yeah!
I've just completed the wand today. Took me like so many weeks to find the bloody wooden beads, or at least just something that looks like it. I've fallen to using Buttons which was expensive... *cries* And which I finally found the bloody beads today at the shop near my house. I feel so sad now.. especially for my approximately $20 spent on Buttons itself. *cries*
Here's the pic:
I'm rather proud of this thing. Held together with glue and a wire to keep it stiff, I'm hoping it will stay as it is. If it just breaks apart... well you'll see a very emo me after that. ^^;;
Ahahahaha! I also made her brooch and ring... Which was easy once I found the items. Then it was just to find the picture, print and glue! My printer was running out of ink but it turned out fine. Here's the pic!
How's those up there compare to this?
Not bad if I do say so myself! XD Self flattery will get me nowwhere, but its fun!
Peace out for now! (^^)v
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