Keep on smiling

Keep on smiling

Saturday, 21 June 2008

Its fanart dammit!

I'm really hyper from that concoction I made out of Coke light and Redbull. Sleep is ou of reach and lying still to sleep would be impossible. So my hands were itchy. Actually wanted to play MO but... I decided to finish off this piece first. Not my best but I LOVE IT!

Title: Hrrrnnh!!?!
Fandom: DW6
Character: Gan Ning
Comment: Ever since Gan Ning changed in DW6, I've had him visualized to be like Bossa Nova (I forgot his name! :lol:) in Ouran. Thus, the sharp chin and the scary look. This is just a pencil sketch I'm not sure whether to colour this or not. Hrmz...
Links(s): pencil sketchy

Critiques would be VERY welcome!

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