Been feeing down the past week. Sick and so completely unmotivated to do anything. Anyway. Had the KW gathering last week with Insp. Chin and Crim and Yame. Fun people. Walked around a bit. Then met up with Huijie after work. We broke fast at Marina square Food loft! X3~~~
Anyway. Gifts for the people that came. Crim got the Orochi cards while we got the MO character pins. They're so beautiful!!! I also got the DW5: Empires notebook from Chin. The cover is so nice with Ah Liang on top, Yi-chan below and Yuyu in between! >=D
My gift for Chin: A chibi Kanetsugu
And because I've been playing Worms with Jie, Another fanart!
Title: Take COVER!!
Fandom: Worms
A/n: Meh... got the barrel colour wrong... XD This usually happens in the game while I vs-ing Jie. And also... Never colour with touchpad. SO not fun! >_<
Links: Lineart Coloured
Keep on smiling

Monday, 8 September 2008
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